User-agent: * Allow: / CH on Track: Today is race day, again


Monday, August 10, 2009

Today is race day, again

Well, let's try it again -- Race Day at Watkins Glen -- after it was rained out yesterday.

As much as I love rainy days, and I do love rainy days, how can we get it across to the rain gods that NASCAR races as well as qualifying and practice is off-limits?

Hey, interesting news about Ryan Newman saying races should be shortened. Perhaps he read that here at CH on Track. Sprint Cup Race at Indy was boring

Only kidding. I'm sure I picked up that idea from something Ryan said earlier -- certainly not the other way around. The timing was coincidental however, since I only wrote that post Sunday, July 26 after the Indy race. Then a week later, Ryan said just what I wrote. I'm not fool enough to believe that he was influenced by CH on Track. But what it does prove is that I am in complete agreement with him on many philosophical issues. That is probably why he is my favorite driver.

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