User-agent: * Allow: / CH on Track: Ryan Newman capable of four-peat


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ryan Newman capable of four-peat

I just read a citizen journalist's story that was picked up by a blogger. I refuse to provide the links because no one else should waste their time reading either.

But the headline was:

Ryan Newman could risk NASCAR Chase spot by attempting four races at Bristol

I responded to both posts just as I will respond to this headline here:

That is just baloney! Ryan isn't risking any more by entering other races than he would without them. Bristol is a crapshoot for all the drivers. Staying out of trouble, usually cause by someone else is the real risk. And that has nothing to do with driving in other races. One race has nothing to do with another. Besides two of the races are tonight. One is Friday. How does that affect Saturday night?

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