Friday, November 19, 2010
Congratulations to Ryan and Krissie Newman
I'm so happy for Ryan and Krissie Newman. Ryan announced the birth of their daughter, Brooklyn Sage Newman on Thursday, when he reported via Twitter and Facebook that mother and child are doing fine. I can't wait to see first pictures, hear the first interview.
These are two beautiful, caring people whose very nature is loving and nurturing. Brooklyn is a lucky little girl to have such caring parents.
Congratulations to the happy couple and Happy Birthday to Brooklyn.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Sick of religion and politics in NASCAR
I think Jamie McMurray's little speech in Victory Lane after his win at Atlanta Motor Speedway was totally uncalled for.
I like McMurray. He seems like a genuinely nice person. But to go into a diatribe about why he cried in Daytona months earlier and then to give credit to God for getting into Victory Lane was a bit much.
I never want to take anyone's religion away from them. But, I don't want it foisted upon me at a public venue either. What if I don't happen to share McMurray's religious beliefs? Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. What if I stood up and said, "Jamie, you fool, there is no God." I'm sure he would be offended by that. Well, I was offended at his religious remarks.
It would have been just offensive had he said he was a Buddhist, Muslim, Catholic or proclaimed that Karma, the Virgin Mary, or Allah pushed his car to the lead.
Enough is enough.
Why does NASCAR insist on an invocation before every race anyway? If the drivers want to say a prayer as they prepare for a race, that is not objectionable. But to force the paying public to sit through Joe Gibbs giving a sermon is a little much.
NASCAR wonders why they have empty seats. Maybe their lack of inclusion, due to their religious beliefs, not to mention their politics, has something to do with it.
With regard to religion, I think it was a little over-the-top to invite a candidate for governor to participate in the start of the race recently, just to give a political boost to the Republican non-incumbent candidate.
What's the matter NASCAR, hasn't the Obama Administration sent any earmark funding your way? Good, NASCAR should not receive public funding.
Monday, October 4, 2010
A blog post worth savoring
I didn't watch the second embedded video, but I certainly enjoyed the first one. Any day that starts with a review of that beautiful ending of the 2008 Daytona 500 is bound to be a good day.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Did NASCAR affect race to the chase? Just wondering?
So, is it NASCAR that kept Ryan Newman out of the chase? Given NASCAR's history and apparent dislike for Newman, I wouldn't be at all surprised.
Had Bowyer lost 150 points at Richmond, when according to Steve McCormick at, Bowyer's team "very nearly failed inspection," that would have kept him from that coveted 12th place spot in points. McCormick went on to describe the problem as, "while not exactly the same, it was in the same area of the car."
If Bowyer's penalty of 150 points would have been assessed at Richmond, it would have put Newman into the chase. At the conclusion of the race Bowyer was 142 points ahead of Newman. Biffle moved into the 12th position, 98 points ahead of Newman.
Had NASCAR's arbitrary decision to dock Bowyer 150 points after Richmond, Newman would have been in and Bowyer out. At the very least, this is an interesting development, especially given the lack of transparency in NASCAR's penalty policy.
Any indication of there being a problem with Bowyer's car after it was inspected at Richmond causes me concern.
I have to agree with Dustin Long's comments that The Chase became a sideshow after NASCAR's penalty to Clint Bowyer yesterday. And while Long referred to the potential manipulation of chse contenders through an appeals process that puts all the decision-making into NASCAR's hands.
Long also added, "The fact that NASCAR could not or would not explain the exact nature of the infraction, the fact that NASCAR seems to have in place a selective use of warnings, that officials have a cavalier attitude when it comes to motives (they said Wednesday that they don’t know if the infraction would improve performance nor did they care), that the car passed pre-race inspection is all going to lead some to think the penalty was excessive and arbitrary."
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Race for the Chase for the Championship ends
Perhaps hindsight will give 20/20 vision to Newman's critics. Maybe they will get it now -- why Ryan was so ticked off at Joey Logano. Had it not been for the incident at Michigan where Newman had been running in the top 10, perhaps the entire outcome of his season would have had a different result as well. Ryan could have squeaked past Clint Bowyer in the points. We will never know, thanks to the incident with Logano. It is not far-fetched to believe that it cost Ryan a chase berth.
It no longer matters, however, since as they say; it is, what it is.
While those guys get all dressed in their suits and their wives spend a fortune on gowns for the big awards dinner--all uncomfortable and having to make small talk, Ryan and Krissie will be sitting in the comfort of their home, playing with their new baby, enjoying all that the good life has to offer. I think when that time comes, Ryan will be much happier at home than the other 12 of his com padres in Las Vegas.
With the chase pressure off, the remainder of the season can be used to figure it all out.
For us fans, we just have to tune out the commentators, but then we are used to doing that. Ryan obviously isn't the golden boy when it comes to broadcast coverage. We fans will hardly notice all the fawning they do over the top 12 drivers. But that doesn't mean that the 13th among them can't rally from just behind the line to win races. I can't wait for Ryan to win a post-chase race. It will force those broadcasters to have to talk about him. Perhaps they will even get it--that being oh-so-close, isn't so bad.
Monday, September 6, 2010 saved the day
Thank goodness for the capability to watch this weekend's NASCAR races on the trusty laptop computer, on Finding the race broadcast live and free online kept me from being really cranky.
I was even able to maintain two open windows, one with the broadcast and the other with NASCAR's race day scanner. It wasn't much different than how I normally watch a race. Though it wasn't HD quality, it was certainly acceptable. is an awesome service that provides a plethora of streaming video content to users. Thank you for allowing me to enjoy Saturday and Sunday's races.
I was so looking forward to the racing at Atlanta Motor Speedway. My favorite driver, Ryan Newman was to run in the Nationwide race on Saturday and the Sprint Cup race on Sunday.
For Sunday, he had the potential to win the record for number of pole positions there. He came really close to doing that too, had it not been for an early qualifying draw, which is generally a disadvantage. Newman was third to qualify. He was edged out by Denny Hamlin who was the 30th driver to go out onto the track. Maybe next season, Ryan.
Measurement on the excitement scale was high. With the regular season winding down, the racing promised to be pretty edgy. It was! With Newman eyeing the final chase spot--in contention with Mark Martin, Jaimie McMurray, and Clint Bowyer, I just didn't want to miss any of the racing action.
A hint of trouble
As the weekend approached, and I readied for all the race day coverage, it turned out that Friday night was the last day to access television. This was particularly troubling since the Dish Network system had just been upgraded a couple of weeks ago. It was so exciting to have the new HD programming, complete with new dish and receiver. My excitement was short-lived however.
Friday night there was a little glitch. All of a sudden the screen went blank. There was no satellite signal. I was hoping the thing didn't fall out of orbit or something. My husband employed his favorite technological troubleshooting technique--turning the receiver off and then back on again. That seemed to work fine. Such was not the case Saturday morning when we awoke to a blackened screen that would not return. It remains that way, on this Monday morning.
We called Dish Network who sent a technician out that morning.
What great service I thought as he checked out all the things it could be. Trouble is, the problem was in the receiver--a brand new, out-of-the-box receiver. He had to order a new one. Since this was Saturday, that meant--maybe--getting a new receiver shipped here on Sunday. I didn't have high hopes for that actually happening. But the tech guy was great. He gave us his number and told us to call the minute the receiver arrived.
Just as I had thought, there was no delivery, but I did call him anyway. He said he would check on delivery and let me know. Since this is the Labor Day weekend, I'm not too hopeful about hearing from him today either. Thank goodness I don't mind hanging around the house during the last official weekend of summer.
No, I really don't. This is Arkansas. We are going to have lots of nice temperate days for outdoor activity. We would probably stay home anyway, since this is a tourist area. This is the last hurrah for all those northerners who aren't as fortunate as us. Besides, I was able to get my race fix, so just as long as we get the thing fixed before the next race, life is good.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Ryan Newman vs. Joey Logano
I'm a little more comfortable now as I see that both Newman and Logano are racing in the Nationwide series at Bristol. That would be the place for a little payback. Normally, I wouldn't condone such a thing, but if I was Newman, I'd want to provide Joey a little racing lesson.
For some reason though, I don't see this happening either. I think Newman is bigger than that. He just won the Whelen Mod race. I doubt he is thinking about payback. Then again, if the opportunity presents itself, I say, what the heck!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
It is called racing, Joey
While it was obviously hot inside the race car, at Sunday's Michigan race, it may have been a little hotter once Ryan Newman got out of the car. Newman went looking for Joey Logano, who finished 10th, at Newman's expense. Newman finished 23rd, despite having a good race car that ran laps as quick as the leaders for most of the race.
When it was all over though, there was an altercation between the two. Instead of telling Newman he was sorry about causing him to spin, Logano got an attitude. ESPN reporters caught up with Logano as he proceeded to bash Newman for not giving him some slack. What wasn't shown on camera was visible this video from Fox Sports.
Clearly, Logano crossed the line as he told Newman, "Give someone an inch, man."
To that, Newman responded, "No." It escalated from there.
Hello Joey, don't you get what you are doing at the race track? It is called racing. It is not a Sunday afternoon drive.
Newman had every right to be ticked off. Logano clearly got into him and spun him, nearly ruining his day.
Newman had so much more to lose than Logano, which Joey failed to take into account, apparently. Newman, is 14th in points and was contending for a Chase (for the championship) berth; the top 12 in points. It looked early on like he had a good shot to achieve it too, had it not been for Logano ruining his day. Logano had nothing to lose, as he is in 21st place, with no chance to race his way into the chase. Newman had so much more to lose.
I'm sure that if Logano had simply admitted that his car got loose and he didn't mean to hit Newman's race car, all would have been forgotten. But that isn't what Logano did.
Not only was Logano at fault for the incident on the track, according to the NASCAR video, but he had the audacity to call Newman out for his driving style. Logano got into Newman's face complaining that he isn't the only one to mention how Newman makes it hard to pass.
Well, Duh Joey! Newman gets paid to race. He gets points for passing people. He would have gotten three more points for passing you, which he did until you hit him. What don't you get?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Shhhh! More on secret fines
Thursday, July 29, 2010
NASCAR wrong to fine drivers for free speech
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Challenge NASCAR reporters
Monday, July 26, 2010
Ryan Newman has what it takes
Ryan Newman Image & Ryan Newman Pictures
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Daytona thoughts
My previous blog post may have been just a little too optimistic, but my hope really does spring eternal. I cannot imagine a Chase for the Championship without Ryan Newman in it. So I won't. He is only 80 points out of 12th, and there is plenty of time. So, we who watch the #39 so enthusiastically will just have to eat a few more tornadoes and just bide our time. It won't be easy, but is anything worth doing ever easy?
At least Newman didn't have to endure the spoils of Daytona's bad side all by himself. He was able to commiserate with the other 18 drivers whose cars also got wrecked.
I'm glad my Arkansas neighbor Mark Martin was OK. His role in the drama apparently looked much worse than it was.
My congratulations to Kevin Harvick who ran a great race. And how 'bout that Dale Jr.--finishing 4th? There will be plenty of people happy about that, although according to the post race interview, he didn't seem to be one of them.
Ah, Lady Luck. Someone should put her name on the front of their race car, or perhaps a decal on or near the spoiler or rear quarter panel. She seems to contribute more to races than just about any sponsor.
On to Chicagoland. Make it a good one Ryan Newman and tell Lady Luck where to shove it.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Congratulations to Dale, Jr.
Dale Earnhardt, Jr. fans must have been practically foaming at the mouth with excitement watching last night's Nationwide race at Daytona.
I have to admit, that while I am far from being a Dale Jr. fan, I did enjoy his long-awaited trip to Victory Lane in the #3 in honor of his Daddy's induction into the NASCAR Hall of Fame. It is easy to get caught up in such raw emotion, as the camera panned atop the pit box to see an emotional Tony Eury, Jr. break down in tears. When Jr. got out of the car, he was obviously elated by the moment.
What I am not excited about is that this win will likely carry over to the rest of the NASCAR season where the pundits and NASCAR's favorite talking heads will capitalize on Dale Jr.'s inherited fan-favoritism combined with this one win at this one race at this one time. We will be hearing about it for what will seem like forever.
It was rather nice when Junior wasn't winning races; the adoring commentators finally stopped gushing over him. I'm almost afraid to read my email or watch Fox Sports for fear it will have already begun.
Dale Jr. is not the first person to win a race and he will not be the last. I only hope that when I get back to my NASCAR world from the real one I live in, that I hear about some of the other drivers as well. After all, it is not only unfair to racing aficionados of all persuasions to freak out over just one driver, but it is unfair to that driver. I feel sorry for Dale Jr. sometimes because it can't be easy to be bigger than life when you are really just a regular guy trying to do your job.
The over-zealous reporters and longtime friends of Junior's father who spout endlessly about Junior's hoped-for driving prowess actually caused me to dislike Dale Jr. I have since looked past that and have developed an affection for Dale Earnhardt, Jr. the person who just happens to be a race car driver.
I congratulate him on this long-awaited win and am glad it came at this time, on this track, in this car. He deserves a pat on the back, albeit I will refrain from bows or curtsies.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Looking for a good Daytona finish
I know, I know; Newman's past performances at Super Speedway tracks--except for one stellar performance when all the stars finally aligned for him at Daytona in 2008, have not earned him bragging rights. But he has little control over drivers banging him into the wall or flipping him into the infield or parts of his race car simply giving up.
I noticed a change at Louden. Newman and his entire team really stepped up their performance, with every lap being noteworthy. The speed is there. The desire is there. Newman fought for every inch on the track last week. I have every reason to be hopeful about this weekend's results as well.
Being just 15 points out of the top 12 has to be an incentive to alter past events that have marred Newman's super speedway stats.
Newman has momentum on his side. Stemming from his recent win in the Whelen Modified series and pulling out a sixth place finish at Louden, and even finishing 16th in a compromised race car at Sonoma, Newman has been on top of it. I have every reason to believe this will be a good weekend for him. Besides, he will get extra practice when he drives in the Nationwide event Saturday. Love that double duty driving.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Ryan Newman got robbed in All-Star race
Newman could smell victory. His foot had to be mashing the pedal with untold pressure as he tried to eke out every bit of horsepower from the car that seemed to have a mind of its own and had given him fits during the entire race. But in those last laps, Newman was charging toward the front. He went from seventh to fourth when Jimmy Johnson spun in front of him. There was no caution at first, so he kept charging. Then the yellow flag flew. When the field was reset, NASCAR positioned Newman in seventh position, behind Bobby Labonte, the #71.
That doesn't seem right to me, because if my memory serves me correctly, when Newman started the lap, he was behind Matt Kenseth, the #17.
Understanding the green-white checker rule, like so many of NASCAR's rules, has eluded me since it was instituted. Don't get me wrong; normally I like it. It brings excitement. But it has to be fair.
First, why did Labonte advance to his position but Newman didn't? It doesn't seem right that as the field advances, and there is a yellow flag, the entire field would revert to previous positions without restarting the entire 10-lap shootout. But that isn't what happened.
Furthermore, if the field was going to revert, why not just put Johnson back in third where he was running before he spun? Ah, because he pitted. Can we have it both ways? Johnson's current position was noted, but Newman's wasn't, even though Newman passed four spots on the last lap? Something is terribly wrong here and if anyone out there can help me understand it, I'd be real grateful.
My heartfelt congratulations to Kurt Busch on his win.
But, I will always wonder, if we could have seen another Newman/Busch finish like the one in Daytona, '08 that Newman fans will never forget.
Carol Henrichs,
Friday, May 7, 2010
Read about Ryan Newman
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Tornados snacks, a great sponsor for Ryan Newman

Friday, April 30, 2010
Commentary: Kyle Petty over Jimmy Spencer
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Johnson Gordon feud could have consequences

Johnson and Gordon spat could have long-term consequences
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Thanks fellow Ryan Newman fans
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Critics just don't 'get' Ryan Newman
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sweet win for Ryan Newman at Phoenix
Ryan Newman Photo & Ryan Newman Pictures
Watching the Sprint Cup race at Phoenix was a thrill, comparable only by the pinnacle of Ryan Newman's career – when he won the 50th running of the Daytona 500 in 2008.
I admit that even as a diehard fan, I was comfortable with a top ten finish, a satisfactory points day.
I didn't seriously contemplate a victory for Newman, until I saw him re-enter the field after the last pit stop in second place. I had watched him pass Jeff Gordon all night. Suddenly I knew he could do it again.
I sat mesmerized, reliving Daytona in my mind, hoping for a similar result.
I couldn't believe my eyes when the leaders, including Newman, pitted with three laps to go. Taking two tires was a risk, but it was one played out by four other drivers in the top five. I recall Kyle Busch's late-race charge at Martinsville recently after pitting and using his four new tires to sprint to the finish ahead of the rest of the field. I hoped I wouldn't see that again.
The Ryan Newman I so admire, a driver with ability far beyond the credit he receives, rocketed past Jeff Gordon, on the inside – no less – presenting an added dimension to his skill since the outside lane seemed to be the faster one.
Newman was masterful as he blocked Gordon and pulled away. As the white flag waved, I knew he was unstoppable.
It was a beautiful thing to watch. Newman was so deserving of the victory that has eluded him for two years. And it was fitting that he won at Phoenix – a track so special to him – the first track he drove in what was then the Winston Cup. It was ten years ago. How far he has come.
Newman's win Saturday night was not a surprise to me. The only surprise is that rotten luck didn't stand in the way this time. Newman has been driving well, gelling with his team, and gaining confidence.
My only hope is that perhaps a more objective eye from the broadcast booth will see the things in him that I see, the things that make Ryan Newman my favorite driver.
My congratulations to Ryan, the #39 team, and all of Stewart-Haas Racing. The race to the chase is on!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
NASCAR debacle over Kezelowski crash
Where NASCAR should devote all its attention, is safety; that is regardless of the reason for or intention behind the crash. The issue that NASCAR should focus on is that once nudged by Edwards -- admittedly intentionally -- Kezelowski's car flew into the air upside down and backwards, landing on its roof. That is a safety issue for the driver, other drivers and spectators.
Hypocritical NASCAR
Monday, February 22, 2010
California dreaming up in smoke
Not so fast
I say it 'looks like' because with only two races completed, the season is still in its infancy. Far too many races have yet to be run. Too many drivers have yet to come to stride. Predictions are for soothsayers or witches with crystal balls, not for racing. Every week will likely yield a new star, since the high level of competition of Sprint Cup drivers could produce a new one each week. But, even the best drivers must tolerate the interference of Lady Luck. She takes no prisoners. She just has her way with them.
Such was the case at Fontana, as several drivers lost their engines after a sustained 900 RPMs on California's fast superspeedway for just too long.
Losing one engine during a race is too many, but Sunday's race turned hard-nose race car drivers like Juan Pablo Montoya, Ryan Newman, and Martin Truex, Jr., into spectators. Kasey Kahne also had engine troubles as did Jeff Gordon.
Trouble is, so many commentators blathers about California being the poster child for the rest of the season. I totally disagree. If that were the case, I wouldn't bother to watch the remaining races. And anyone who knows me, knows that will not be the case.
Case in point
Ryan Newman's season is a woeful repeat of last year. As of right now, he is 0 and two. Two DNFs have resulted in Newman's poor showing of 36th place. Both were from no fault of his own. Newman needs to learn to woo Lady Luck since she seems to be out to get him.
Newman was one of the fastest cars on the track Sunday. He started back in 18th but was running second when a bad restart was followed by the dreaded billows of smoke and trailing oil following close behind as he tried to get to Pit Road.
Newman drove his tail off for the entire day, but all he got for it was a snide remark from Darrell Waltrip in the FOX sports booth that Newman's problem was 'self-induced.' We know Waltrip would never have been so cold over a Dale Earnhardt, Jr. incident.
I take offense at Darrell Waltrip's remarks
As a fan of Newman's I am really starting to take offense at Waltrip's remarks. While Newman admittedly spun the tires, he said he didn't rev the engine. It wasn't until the following lap that the engine let go, in a big way.
Waltrip made similar remarks about Newman last week after Elliott Sadler got into him, caused him to spin, and ended his day at Daytona.
For the most part, I have enjoyed DW's commentary. It is good for us non-drivers to have the explanation of a former driver who can tell it like it is. I even enjoy some of Waltrip's stories, since for me, NASCAR is as much about the people involved as it is the fast race cars. But Waltrip's obvious bias toward certain drivers, like his brother Michael and his adopted son Dale, Jr. over all the others in the field is becoming rather annoying. Perhaps it is time to get someone in the booth that knows NASCAR but who can respect all the drivers' abilities.
On to Las Vegas, the home of Lady Luck. I have my fingers crossed.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Pothole in my Daytona 500 dreams
I certainly have little to add to what has already been said about the infamous pothole at Daytona International Speedway. It is too bad that NASCAR's premier venue simply wasn't up to speed.
But then the drivers were certainly up to speed and then some. The racing, when it occurred was much improved thanks to the extra horsepower the new restrictor plates allowed.
I was quite disappointed not to see an interview with Ryan Newman following his late-race crash with Elliot Sadler. TV viewers didn't even get to see what happened or how it happened. The whole incident was practically ignored. Newman took one hard hit into the wall. It would have been nice for the commentators to do an on-camera interview with him, just to let his fans know he was alright. Had Junior crashed, we would have seen cameras walking with him to the infield care center and back again to his hauler, with reporters tripping over their own feet to get the interview. This unbalanced reporting is akin to potholes in the racetrack.
Speaking of Newman, I really wish he would change his strategy. Staying at the back of the field until the late-race dash to the front doesn't seem to be working for him. I'd really like to see Ryan get out front early and stay there. He might keep his car in one piece that way too. I cringe when I think about the wrecks he has been involved in of late, and mostly through no fault of his own.
Sarah Palin at Daytona - gag me!
Danica Patrick in her first Nationwide Race - I wasn't quite as impressed as the gushing Darrell Waltrip. But I was pleasantly surprised, not at Patrick's abilities, but at my own emotional enjoyment at seeing an obviously capable, and yes, beautiful woman, wheeling her car for all she was worth. She did a very credible job. As a woman, she made me proud. I am anxious to follow her progress.
I am thrilled that the seemingly everlasting offseason is behind us. I'm relieved that the 2010 season is finally upon us. It is nice to return to the NASCAR routine.
Congratulations to Jamie McMurray, Tony Stewart, and Timothy Peters.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
2010 NASCAR season soon to be on track
We race fans are about to satisfy our 'need for speed,' dogging us since Homestead.
The off-season is a thing of the past and Speedweeks is underway, with all eyes on the Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, FL.
Race teams and fans alike are gearing up as the racing crescendo builds toward the 52nd running of the Great American Race -- the Daytona 500 -- NASCAR's equivalent of the NFL's Super Bowl.
The green flag will drop on the most prestigious event in stock car racing at noon, Sunday, Feb. 14. I can't wait. I have been waiting for this for what seems an eternity.
First the Budweiser Shoot-Out. I can't wait for my first glimpse of the #39 with Tornados and Oreos on board. It will be so exciting to sit down on Saturday night to enjoy a race again.
Second in the racing trifecta to kick off the 2010 season will be The Gatorade Duels, the twin 150-mile qualifying races that will determine the starting grid for the Daytona 500. Does it get better than this?
Big changes on tap for 2010
NASCAR as a sanctioning body has been criticized for trying to exert too many rules and too much influence in the sport. I like that they have decided to back off this year, perhaps allowing drivers to settle their own differences on the track. Woohoo, this is gonna be fun! More beatin' and bangin' and trading paint. The result could be more aggressive driving, more fierce competition, and all-out better racing. It will be interesting to watch how certain drivers are put in their place by the others. I just hope the good drivers are penalized by the newcomers.
The COT car, which, designed with safety in mind, has proven itself. Drivers have been able to walk away from some horrific crashes, such as Ryan Newman's barrel-roll crash at Talladegawhen his upside-down race car finally came to rest on Kevin Harvick's hood. Newman's fans were also horrified during the spring race at Talladega when Carl Edwards' airborne car flew into Newman's windshield. While Edwards' car itself was diverted back onto the track by a catch fence designed to do as its name implies, some flying debris did cause injury to some spectators.
Talks about the dynamics of those accidents have led to the possibility that the wing on the back of the car will be replaced by a spoiler. The improvement will certainly provide a pleasing aesthetic change. That is not a lone fix for the problem of the car getting airborne, however, so other innovations are also being considered to keep the car from taking off like a jet taking on a runway. Safety, for both the drivers and the fans, remains one of NASCAR's top priorities.
And there will be newcomers
NASCAR will see plenty of new faces, in the cars and in the garage area. But, probably the one most talked about will be that of Danica Patrick, the driver who made a name for herself as an IndyCar racer, GoDaddy girl, and more recently as a swimsuit model. She has decided to join NASCAR for a limited season in the Nationwide series, driving for JR Motorsports, owned by NASCAR's most popular driver, Dale Earnhardt, Jr.
With new drivers, new sponsors, and a multitude of changes in store, the 2010 NASCAR season is here and is one to watch. Personally, I can't wait!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Stewart-Haas Racing isat the 'at the ready'
Like the start of a new year, I am excited about this upcoming racing season. Armed with untold possibilities, I like what I'm reading about the off-season prep work at Stewart-Haas Racing. They seem more prepared than ever, with their inaugural season behind them, to begin their second season. I imagine that Tony Stewart and Ryan Newman are chomping at the bit, waiting for that first green flag fall. As a fan, I can hardly wait either.
I like the fact that they have hired a third pit crew. That shows forward thinking. It seems as though this is the move to prepare for Danica Patrick, or some other driver next year. They will be ready. I think a backup is an excellent idea, even if a third driver isn't in the offing.
While I am saddened that Greg Newman will no longer be spotting for his son, I understand the strategy behind it. I have long felt sorry for Greg, unable to sit back, as we fans can do, and 'watch' his son race. After all, Ryan is an elite driver who is living his dreams -- and the dreams of his father. Ryan is well aware of what his father sacrificed for his career. It is time Greg should be able to enjoy the fruits of his labor. At his age, he shouldn't have to subject himself to the grueling pace, the elements, and the emotional roller-coaster that goes with the job.
I admit it will certainly not feel the same, not having Greg and Ryan share radio banter during caution periods. Having the two of them talk together was like having them over for Sunday dinner.
It was comforting to have Greg on the box communicating with his driver, his son, like he has for Ryan's entire racing career. But, perhaps it was too family-oriented. Though it is doubtful, perhaps those close family ties did hold Ryan back to a degree. Maybe they were too comfortable. It will be very interesting to hear how Ryan reacts to a new spotter, one who isn't as familiar with his driving style or the way he wants to hear 'what he wants to hear.' I imagine it is going to be a real learning curve for both of them. But that might put them both right on that edge - the razor's edge that tough competition requires. Oh, I can't wait to see the results. I have a feeling we will see a new resurgence of the 'Rocketman.'