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Showing posts with label Peotone Airport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peotone Airport. Show all posts

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Chicagoland Speedway

Relief may be on the way for Chicagoland fans which indicates there will be a change in how tickets are sold at the Joliet, Illinois race track. It was a fascinating to read for me, especially since I was unaware of the problem. While I used to live near the track, and even watched it being built, I had no idea how tickets were sold. I never attended a race there. Had I still lived in the Chicago area, I certainly would have added my voice to the other disgruntled fans.

It certainly was hard not to notice the empty seats at the Sprint Cup race, one of which could have easily accomodated my butt, had I not been 500 miles away. I had to settle for coverage and commentary from TNT.

Did you know that the track ended up in Joliet only after it was rejected at its original site -- near Peotone -- not far from where the State of Illinois has and continues to try to build a new airport? Read about the Peotone airport at CHBlog. Feel free to peruse the site, but don't expect to find information about the race track. Building the track, predated the blog and its posts.