User-agent: * Allow: / CH on Track: 23 Days til Daytona


Friday, January 28, 2011

23 Days til Daytona

The weather is warming, the days are getting longer. The calendar on my desktop tells me there are now only 23 days til we will see the #39 rocketing down the backstretch at the Daytona International Speedway. 

I am daring to get excited about the NASCAR 2011 racing season.

After watching the car on the track already, this proves to be a great season. Thanks to Speed TV for streaming the Speedweeks testing. 

Didn't the Daytona track look fine? Nice and smooth.

In only 15 days, we will be able to enjoy our first official race--the Budweiser Shootout. How exciting is this???

I'm feeling good about the new points structure implemented by NASCAR. 

After seeing the way Ryan Newman ended the last season, I'd say he has momentum on his side. With a new baby girl and a new sponsor in WIX Filters, plus that tried and true U.S. Army motivation and yummy Tornados, I expect Newman to be consistently 'on' this year along with his boss/teammate Tony Stewart. Wouldn't it be fun to watch the two of them battle for the lead? 

Stewart/Haas Racing has two excellent drivers in the right position to get the job done. I can hardly wait.

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